This Course Is Designed To Teach You All Ten Components Of The Akc-Canine Good Citizen Test And The CGCA Test. Tell The World You Are A Responsible Pet Owner And Your Dog Is A Good Citizen.

Upon Completion The American Kennel Club Will Send You A Certificate Worth Displaying. CGC/CGCA Prep and

Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley 374 West Orange Show Rd San Bernardino, CA

#1 Accepting a friendly stranger
#2 Sitting politely for petting
#3 Appearance and grooming
#4 Walking on a loose leash
#5 Walking through a crowd of people
#6 Sit & down on command - staying in place
#7 Coming when called
#8 Reaction to another dog
#9 Reaction to distractions

Start Training Call today
(909) 496-5356

Canine Good Citizen/Community Canine Preparation And Test Dates 2025 CGC/CGCA Test Will Be Held On ***January 25, 2025 At 11:00Am*** Test Prep Classes For This Test Are Offered Once A Month At 11:00Am. Check Our Facebook Page Or The Website Events Page For Schedule. Sign Up For Testing And Show The World Your Dog Is A Canine Good Citizen And You Are A Responsible Dog Owner. There Is No Friendly Fido During Cgc Prep Class!

The Community Canine is the advanced level of the CGC. It tests the dogs skills in a natural setting in the community. The Community Canine has a ten step test of skills that the dog must pass to earn the official AKC Community Canine title. To earn the CGCA (Advanced Canine Good Citizen), do must have previously passed the AKC-CGC and must be registered or listed with the AKC and have an AKC number of one of 3 types; Either AKC registration number, PAL number or AKC Canine Partners number. All dogs, including mixed breeds can get an AKC number.

​The ten components of the AKC Community Canine Test consist of the following:
1. Dog must stand, sit or lie down and waits under control while the owner: sits at the registration table and fills out paperwork or dog must wait in sit, stand or down while owner sits and has a snack or visits with another person.
2. Walks on a loose leash in a natural situation. does not pull, does a proper left turn, right turn, stop and fast and slow pace.
​3. Walks on loose leash through a crowd. Maybe completed on a sidewalk through a park or busy hallway.
4. Dog walks past distraction dog and does not pull.
5. Sit/Stay in small group (3 people with dogs). Dogs are on owners left side, about 3 ft apart.
6. Dog allows person who is carrying something to approach and pet it. (computer bag, backpack etc) Person asks to pet dog and places item on ground.
7. Leave it. Dog walks by food and follows owner instructions to leave it. Food may be placed on floor in a plate or bowl.
8. Down or sit/stay from distance. Dog placed on a 20 ft leash. Owner walks away with back to dog, picks up an item, that was placed on the floor by the evaluator and returns to the dog.
9. Recall with distractions present. Handler goes out 20ft and call dog.
10. Dog will sit or stand stay while owner enters/exits a doorway or narrow passage. Owner calls dog through door when ready. Dog must not pull owner and be under good control.


What is the Canine Good Citizen Test?
The American Kennel Club offers the Canine Good Citizen test to all dogs both mixed and purebred. It assesses the ability of a dog to be a
well-behaved member of the community. The certificate is earned by passing the ten components of the test which proves an owners commitment to having a well-mannered dog. Some apartments or condos will rent to people with dog's that have their CGC certification. In addition, several insurance companies offer lower rates for homeowners whose dogs have obtained their CGC certification. Most service or therapy dog organizations require the CGC as a prerequisite for therapy dog work. Every dog can be a good citizen. Show the world you are a responsible pet owner and your dog is a good citizen!! New this year we will be offering the advanced Canine Good Citizen test called the Community Canine (CGCA). This test consists of 10 components but is conducted out in the community.